Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Last Names as First Names

Have you noticed the trendiness of traditionally last names as first names? I am really agape at some of the names I have heard in the last week. Today I met a Landon, recently my daughter befriended a Taylor. Then of course there is Madison, Parker, Whitman, Mason, Riley, etc. There is something oddly yuppie and very pretentious about this phenomenon. I just don't get it I have to admit, let me know parents of Parkers and Landons, why????


Steve said...

Yeah, I was never that fond of the concept of naming a child a last name, either.

I knew some Connors in my day, there was my wife's co-worker Jackson, I know there are more, but it's realy in the morning.

Bellejar said...

I forgot Jackson,we know like seven.

Bellejar said...

Nothing personal Jules! Your right completely, better the last name first name than the outrageous name. I am just surprised how popular these names are becoming.