Sunday, May 28, 2006


My husband Bruce got lasik this week. I am so jelaous. He has 20/15 vision now. I on the otherhand am breastfeeding still which prevents me from being able to be assessed to see if it is even possible for me to get lasik.

I watched the whole procedure through a window, it was all projected and magnified on a screen above where the procedure was happening. They used a laser to cut the flap. This is apparently the most modern procedure, many places still use a knife for this portion of the surgery. Little bubbles of air bubbled under the flap, which they peeled back. Next they took us to an area where we waited until the air went out from under the flaps. It took all of 11 seconds per eye for the actual laser surgery. How cool is that!?! I can't wait to get my eyes done now. If you are wondering, they gave Bruce adavan and some eye drops that numbed his eyes two or three times before the surgery. He didn't feel a thing and was fine after a few hours.


yerdoingitwrong said...

I want to do that SO badly!! But, it would be so expensive for me b/c of my bad astigmatism. One day when I win the lotto...!

Bellejar said...

SO we used Bruce's FSA through work so at least it was tax free.

English Professor said...

Oh, I am jealous too! I started with coke-bottom glasses in cat-eye frames and am now the last American still wearing hard, non-gas permeable contacts.

Yerdoingitwrong--maybe we could pool our money and each have one eye done. ;-)

Steve said...

I can't imagine having that surgery - I don't stomach eye trauma well.

The only anecdote I have about Lasik stems from a distant friend, who scheduled his lasik and his vasectomy on the same day so he could recover over both on the long weekend.

He was completely miserable - couldn't move and couldn't read or watch tv.

Bellejar said...

Interesting. Bruce was allowed to watch tv during recovery (moderately). I think the procedure is much more streamlined than it used to be.