Thursday, November 11, 2004

My bad day.

My daughter Lucy has been sick today. She just got two new teeth yesterday. The nurse at the pediatrician's told me that it is normal to have a low grade fever when getting new teeth. That didn't necessarily make me feel better.

I noticed this morning she was being pretty clingy and wouldn't really play at kindermusik class. I took her temperature. 101.4 Apparently this is not a high fever, but it scared me to death. I feel terrible because she is feeling terrible. She has slept on and off all day and is making these little crying noises and humming. It is heart wrenching. I wonder how parents of really sick children deal with that on a day-to-day basis.

My grandmother has also been diagnosed with cancer today. It seems everyone I know is getting cancer these days. Cousin Ben (he passed away about six months ago from pancreatic cancer), my mother-in-law Dorlyn who has cervical cancer that has recently been found to have metastacised to her lungs and now my grandmother. I'll know more tomarrow, but I can't handle to much more of this.

Cancer really sucks.

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