Saturday, November 11, 2006

A burrito is not a sandwich

Duh. I wonder how much they spent on this one?


uga law slacker said...

Is this the great Gina Alsdorf whose Contracts outline for Coenen is still the rubric by which all future Contracts outlines will be judged?

My question is this:
Who did you take for Administrative Law...because whether or not I'll be using your Administrative Law outline is dependent upon the answer.

Check out my blog...

...and if you're a different Gina Alsdorf, I'm not sorry at all. Except for, you know, the wasted brown-nosing.


Steve said...

Wow, your outline is still making waves years after you passed through? Talk about a hat tip!

I would fear for anyone who used one of my outlines from any of my classes, except maybe torts II...

Bellejar said...

How funny is that. Yes my contracts outline was phenomenal. I love professor Coenan. Steve, I was the biggest law school nerd ever. I am psyched my outline still lives on. Realistically though, you need to make an outline, not use an outline to really get it.

Bellejar said...

Oh and by the way I had Brussack for Civ Pro - My outline is good, but I have to say, Civ Pro was my worst grade, take that for what its worth.