Sunday, October 22, 2006


$200k worth of investment and this is the new slogan of the Seattle Tourism industry...

I am sorry I hate it, why not just stick with the Emerald City or one of the other contenders? I also liked the "Life is different here" because it is...

And now they will spend $300k to promote it.


yerdoingitwrong said...

I hate it, too. I like wired and jacked up!!

Steve said...

Perhaps they liked it a little better than "we're upwind of the Tacoma Aroma"

Or "Where the monorail can take you anywhere that it's two stops contain."

English Professor said...

Yes, my family was having a good laugh about that yesterday. Sorry.

mrshl said...
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Steve said...


You're at UH? Excellent. I'm a 3l at STCL.

Bellejar said...

And of course I was kind enough to give my old blog to the UH newspaper. Who wouldn't?

Anonymous said...

Hey, first of all, thanks for letting us use your old legalese address!

secondly, metronatural? is that for real? wow.