Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Retirement savings and the ORP


ORP refers to teh Ordinary Reasonable Person for those of you not yet in the know. In law it is the standard you are held to if someone thinks you've been negligent. What would the ORP do? In the case of retirement savings apparently not enough.

This article points that most persons are not saving enough toward retirement. I attribute this to a failure in our schools to teach classes in personal finance. They should be required of all Freshmen in college. I have seen so many people ill equipped to retire. The sad part is the earlier you start saving the less you have to save. Most people don't think about retirement until 10 years before they are set to retire and by then they have lost the whole benefit of compounded interest.

I find it really ironic that people want our retirement system fully privitized, but want to make it mandatory??? Whatever.

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